Student Expectations


Student athletes represent their school and peers and must be positive examples of mature human beings. This agreement has been designed so that the student and his/her parent(s) will be fully informed and aware of their individual and collective responsibilities. If a student or parent/guardian refuses to accept and adhere to these policies and expectations, the student’s privilege to participate in this activity will not be granted.

We are here to:

  • Provide developing riders an understanding of the sport and to present a fun and challenging cycling experience
  • Advance intermediate riders skills and fitness to access broader trail range and terrain
  • Amplify advanced riders proficiency and fulfill individual objectives.


  1. Safety – We want participants to be safe riders.  We also want this group to be a safe place socially.  We will be equally focused on safe riding skills as well as supporting our team members and community.  Part of your safety commitment is registration in the Nica Pit Zone: which includes additional national guidelines and expectations. 
  2. HelmetsHelmets are required at all times when on your bike. Under no circumstances will a rider be on their bike without a helmet. 
  3. Respect – Ride only on authorized trails. Pass with care and let others know of your presence well in advance. Yield.  All pedestrians and equestrians have the right of way. Sometimes it may be necessary to dismount and get off the trail to allow others to pass. 
  4. Sportsmanship – You represent yourself, our school and cycling in general. Display sportsmanship during all activities. Treat teammates, coaches, spectators, and officials with fair play and respect. Large groups of student-athletes on the trail can be imposing to other users. Being considerate of others will assure a unified team. Bullying/cliques or hazing other students or acting in a demonstrative way to anyone will not be tolerated by our student athletes.
  5. Attendance & Participation– be on time and participate in practices and participate in 2 team practices per week during the regular season
  6. Bicycles & Maintenance – Riders are expected to come to practice and races with a functioning and properly maintained bicycleRiders are responsible for the condition and safety of their own bicycles. Part of your skills development will be developing your maintenance abilities.
  7. Responsibility – You are a moving vehicle while on public roads – follow rules of the road.  Also, know the pertinent rules found here:


  • Read team emails &/or text messaging
  • You’re expected at events practices & events until you communicate otherwise
  • Students are expected to communicate and represent themselves on attendance, questions or concerns and other matters.  We are a practice ground for maturing communication skills.  We as a team promise not to bite.  Overcommunication is encouraged.
  • Please address non urgent concerns and questions well in advance of practice as we intend to move off campus shortly after practices commence.